Wednesday, September 18, 2019

"Follow by Email"

On the sidebar to the right is an innocuous box that invites you to submit your email address.

When you do that, you will receive notifications delivered to that address when a new article has been posted to this blog!

Thursday, September 12, 2019

FYI: "Cutting the cord" ~ 8 months later

"The Bloom Is Off The Rose."

My disenchantment does not come from "cutting the cord" and coming off cable TV. That was a good idea ~ and it is still a good idea.

My disappointment is with the app that Spectrum offers as a replacement.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

FYI: Sharing Genealogy Research

I have been working with genealogy for well over a year and a half, and it's time to share what I've found.

My current interest started in 2017, when I bought a DNA test. I was curious about what I would discover, but I mostly bought it because it was on sale. 😎

Results from a DNA test do not come back for up to six weeks. I wanted to learn more about how to interpret/use DNA test results. While I was waiting, I discovered that Pinellas County, and the Largo Library in particular, had extensive genealogy resources.