Wednesday, July 17, 2019

FYI: Cutting the Cord - Summer Report

"Cutting The Cord" Lessons Learned

Previously on Rix Distillery:

  • Feb 15 - I Cut the Cord! - I was proud of myself for this step, and this article explains what steps I took.
  • Mar 16 - Update - I have learned how I can unlock archives from individual apps where I can revisit old episodes. Some with commercials; some with commercials. Life is good.
  • April 30 - Why Roku - Life is still good! In this article I reviewed my Roku device
  • Jun 29 - Oops! - The first hint that cutting the cord is not all I expected it to be. I discussed streaming apps available from Spectrum.

July 2019 - this post, however:...

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Personal: Do you like my stories?

 I realized that I really enjoy telling stories! This came to me as I was explaining to my son that I'm trying to make our family history interesting to him and his sons.

My interest in my family's genealogy is not for the research, but for what it tells me about people in the context of their time whether it's 20 years ago or 200 years ago..